Life insurance lawyer in Tucson We specialize in the recovery of denied life insurance claims. Instead of lawsuits we deal directly with the Claims and Legal department of the insurance company, thus saving our clients money and time. Our results: over $250 million recovered for our clients from denied life insurance claims. Instead of taking […]
How to Appeal Denied Life Insurance Claims and Win
How to Appeal Denied Life Insurance Claims and Disputes and Win! If you have a denied life insurance claim it’s time to consider an appeal. A denied claim doesn’t have to be the last word on the matter. Yes, you can appeal a denied life insurance claim – and win. Here’s how. Get the denial […]
Sun Life Insurance Claim Denied
Sun Life Insurance claim denied? We appeal any denied life insurance claim of $100,000 or more. Contact us for a free telephone consultation. Appealing Denied Life Insurance Claims When you file a life insurance claim the insurance company won’t advise you to get a personal representative. They’ll act for themselves — not you. When they […]
Statute of Limitations on Life Insurance Claims
Statute of Limitations on Life Insurance Claims A statute of limitations, in plain-speak, is the amount of time one has to take action against an offence once the offence has become known to the injured. In life insurance claims matters the statute of limitations usually begins when the beneficiary receives the Letter for Denial for […]
Questionable Life Insurance Claim Practices Cost Consumers
Questionable Life Insurance Claims Practices Cost Consumers When an insured dies while the beneficiary holds the life insurance policy, the policy information is easily available. Policies have a Declaration page which states the policy number, insured, and the death benefit. With this information the beneficiary can file a claim with a forward understanding of the […]
Globe Life Contestable Death Claim Paid in 90 Days
The beneficiary of a Globe Life Insurance claim recently contacted us to help her file a contestable death claim. She had done some internet research and read many complaints about collecting death claims from Globe Life. Her claim was on a policy which was less than 2 years old, which made it a contestable claim. […]
Life Insurance Claim Appeal Wins $250,000
Life Insurance Claim Appeal Wins $250,000 Without Entering A Courtroom Years before the ice bucket challenge took Facebook walls by storm, twenty-five year old Joe Pipitone had no idea how to tell his then fifty-five year old mother she was losing a battle with a disease both he and the rest of the world didn’t […]
Contestable Life Insurance Claim Paid after Investigation by The Center for Life Insurance Disputes
Contestable life insurance claim It’s well known that a life insurance policy is contestable during the first two years the policy is in effect. What is not as well known is that if a policy lapses, and then gets reinstated (put back in-force), a new two year contestability period begins at the reinstatement date. In […]
Western Southern Life Insurance Claim was Denied
Western Southern Life Insurance Claim was Denied ‘My Western Southern life insurance claim was denied’, is usually how the conversation starts. Dealing with the emotional loss of a loved one can be compounded by the financial loss of a loved one. The reason many people buy Western Southern life insurance is to leave money for their families […]
West Coast Life Insurance Claim was Denied
West Coast Life Insurance claim was denied? We appeal denied life insurance claims for our clients. We’ve recovered over $85 million from declined claims and we can do the same for you. You Need a Life Insurance Expert to Win an Appeal. When you filed your life insurance claim you were on your own. The […]
Voya Life Insurance Claim was Denied
Voya Life Insurance claim was denied? There’s no firm more experienced, capable or better at getting life insurance claims paid than the Center for Life Insurance Disputes. It’s all we do. If you have a Voya Life, Security Life of Denver or ReliaStar Life insurance claim that’s been denied you need to speak with us […]
Union Central Life Insurance Claim was Denied
My Union Central life insurance claim was denied, is usually how the conversation starts. Dealing with the emotional loss of a loved one can be compounded by the financial loss of a loved one. The reason many people buy Union Central life insurance is to leave money for their families and help them maintain their homes, schools and lifestyles. […]
Kansas City Life Insurance Claim was Denied
Kansas City Life Insurance claim was denied? We recover denied life insurance claims. We appeal denied life insurance claims for our clients. We’ve recovered over $85 million for our clients from declined claims and we can do the same for you. Kansas City life insurance claims can be denied for a long list of reasons; medical, […]
John Hancock Life Insurance Claim was Denied
John Hancock Life Insurance claim was denied? There’s no firm more experienced, capable or better at getting life insurance claims paid than the Center for Life Insurance Disputes. It’s all we do. If you have a John Hancock life insurance claim that’s been denied you need to speak with us first – we can get […]
Jackson National Life Insurance Claim was Denied
Jackson National Life Insurance claim was denied? Many life insurers make a habit of denying life insurance claims without having all the facts they need to make an informed decision. If your Jackson National life insurance claim is denied contact us to get it paid. Life insurance claim appeals is all we do. Over $85 […]
Foresters Life Insurance Claim was Denied
Foresters Life Insurance claim was denied? We appeal denied life insurance claims for our clients — that’s all we do. We’ve recovered over $85 million for our clients from denied death claims and we can do the same for you. If your Foresters life insurance claim was denied contact us for a free consultation. You […]
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