Life Insurance Claims Attorney in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles, California

Life Insurance Claims Attorney in Los Angeles

When you have a dispute with a life insurance company in the State of California, regarding a claim or a policy, The Center for Life Insurance Disputes can resolve the problem without the high cost of legal fees and the stresses that accompany a lawsuit.

We’re the best solution to hiring a life insurance attorney in Los Angeles to recover your denied life insurance claim. We represent beneficiaries of claims, never the insurance company. We file life insurance claims, appeal denied claims, and recover life insurance benefits for our clients.

We have recovered well over $100 million from many of the largest life insurance companies by dealing directly with their Claims and Legal departments. By going direct to the insurer to resolve disputes we recover our client’s money quickly and at a very low cost.

The best lawyer is the one who understands even the smallest details about life insurance policies and bad faith but even with a top rated life insurance attorney in Los Angeles you aren’t guaranteed your lawsuit will be successful. Lawsuits can be expensive, stressful, and take years to conclude – sometimes settling for less than the policy benefits.

Why choose us when looking for a Los Angeles Life Insurance Lawyers?

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes offers two significant advantages for anyone looking for a life insurance lawyer in Los Angeles:

Even with the best life insurance lawyer you may still wait years for your lawsuit to reach a Californian courtroom. Consider a case in Sacramento, CA in which investors were bilked out of $25 million. While the agent was found guilty of securities fraud, the case took six years to conclude.

Our client’s claims are paid quickly and always paid in-full – never partial settlements.

Experienced Life Insurance Help in Los Angeles

We start our process by evaluating your claim. If we determine that we can successfully represent you we will act quickly to get your claim paid. We carefully evaluate each claim because we only get paid after your claim is paid.

For a free review and evaluation of your life insurance claim, call our Los Angeles Office today. We’ll give you an honest evaluation of whether your claim will be paid and if an appeal will be successful.


A Caution About So-Called Life Insurance Legal Experts

There are many websites that appear to promote their expertise in getting life insurance claims paid. Most look like law firms, but in-fact are not. These are referral services that take your information and sell it to lawyers. Don’t be fooled by these bad actors. The Center for Life Insurance Disputes are real people with decades of life insurance experience working for beneficiaries. See About Us.

California Life Insurance Laws & Regulations

When it comes to regulating life insurance claims and the practices of life insurers, California has adopted the guidance of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The California version of Unfair Claim Practices regulations can be found within CIC 790.03. This section of unfair insurance practices covers many topics, including the handling of life insurance claims. Policies sold in California, with some exceptions, will be governed by this section of the Code.
This code includes prohibits insurers from stonewalling a claim thereby forcing the beneficiary to file a lawsuit in order to receive his money. It specifically states the following as a violation, “Compelling insureds to institute litigation to recover amounts due under an insurance policy by offering substantially less than the amounts ultimately recovered in actions brought by the insureds, when the insureds have made claims for amounts reasonably similar to the amounts ultimately recovered.”

Los Angeles Life Insurance Claims can be Denied

Life insurance claims are usually denied within the contestability period. Denials after this 2 year period are unusual but can happen. The more common reasons that claims get denied include:

We’re well acquainted with all of these situations and know how to address them so that claims that should be paid get paid. Just as life insurance is a specialized field with specific regulations and intricacies, your claim or dispute needs someone qualified in this field to get your claim paid or your money refund.

Contact an expert at The Center for Life Insurance Disputes to discuss your dispute now.

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