Union Central Life Insurance Claim was Denied

My Union Central life insurance claim was denied, is usually how the conversation starts. Dealing with the emotional loss of a loved one can be compounded by the financial loss of a loved one. The reason many people buy Union Central life insurance is to leave money for their families and help them maintain their homes, schools and lifestyles. When their Union Central life insurance claim is denied that security seems lost.

We get life insurance claims paid. Whether denied, delayed, or you just need help, we are the experts in life insurance claims and we are here to help you get your money.

Why Union Central Life Insurance Claims are Denied

If your Union Central life insurance claim was denied, don’t worry. We have recovered denied life insurance claims from many major insurers. While the primary reason for a claim denial is that medical history was not disclosed on the application, over the years we have recovered claims where the denial was also due to inconclusive evidence, autopsy results, foreign death claims, blood alcohol tests, accidents, financial inaccuracies, policy lapse, and many other circumstances (read some of our posts).

If this is your first life insurance claim denial you will likely feel stunned when you receive the Denial Letter. We’re not. Considering that certain current laws favor the insurer to deny a life insurance claim, and most individuals are unaware of these laws, quick-decision denials are common in the industry.

After your life insurance claim is denied you can either accept the decision or you can aggressively pursue the money that is owed to you. We represent those who want to aggressively pursue their money. 25 years of experience. Over $50 million recovered. Great relationships with claim examiners. No legal fees.

Why Accidental Death Claims are Denied

For Union Central life insurance policies covering accidental death and dismemberment benefits, an evaluation of the death certificate will be important. Accidental death claims are typically only payable if the death was the direct result of an accident. There cannot be any health issues contributing to the death. If it turns out that existing health issues contributed to an accidental death the Union Central life insurance claim will likely be denied.

Along the same line of reason, if an accidental death is the result of the insured’s blood alcohol exceeding the state’s legal limit, the Union Central life insurance claim will be denied. This is known as an exclusion to coverage and will be stated in the policy. Likewise, if the toxicology report indicates an illegal substance, the claim will be denied.

Again, after your life insurance claim is denied you can either accept the decision or you can aggressively pursue the money that is owed to you. We represent those who want to aggressively pursue their money. 25 years of experience. Over $50 million recovered. Great relationships with claim examiners. No legal fees.

How Do I Get My Union Central Life Insurance Claim Paid?

You must understand the underwriting process in order to fully understand the claims process. In many cases a life insurance claim was denied because the claim was not properly investigated. Important details aren’t known by the claims examiner when their decision is made. We do our own investigation, review all documents, employ qualified experts, analyze records, write the appeal, and work with the insurer throughout the appeal process. By ensuring that the facts surrounding a case are fully investigated and documented, the likelihood of a successful appeal and getting your claim paid is maximized.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes has over 25 years of focused experience in dealing with life insurance claims and a proven track record of recovering money for our clients. Don’t waste your time in a lawsuit. If you want your claim paid quickly, contact us now. We only get paid once the claim is paid.



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