National Western Life Insurance Claims

National Western Life Insurance Claims

We represent beneficiaries with National Western Life Insurance claims to get their claims paid. If you have a National Western Life insurance claim that was denied, we can get it paid. If you have a National Western Life insurance claim that needs to be submitted and you’re worried it may be denied, we can investigate, prepare and submit the claim so it pays out.

We’ve been representing life insurance claim beneficiaries for over 30 years and have successfully recovered more than $85 million for our clients.

Death in a Foreign Country Life Insurance Claims

One of the things that’s unique about National Western Life is they issue a lot of policies to foreign nationals from South America and Central America. When a death occurs in a foreign country it’s handled much like a contestable claim, even if it isn’t in the 2-year contestable period. Too often the insurance company will put all the demands on the beneficiary to produce documents that are very difficult to obtain. That’s an unfair claim practice and we know how to handle it. We know the official documentation needed to prove death in a foreign country and how to quickly get these claims paid for our clients.

Somos expertos en reclamaciones de seguros de vida. Eso es todo lo que hacemos. Si necesita ayuda para pagar un reclamo de seguro de vida de National Western Life, contáctenos ahora por teléfono o correo electrónico en español.

No requiere retenedor. Consulta gratis.


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We’re life insurance claim experts. That’s all we do. If you need help getting a National Western life insurance claim paid, contact us now.

No retainer required. Free consultation.

Call: 1-888-428-4868

Email: Click here

#1 firm in US for recovering denied life insurance claims.

What We Do for Our Clients

We work directly with the Claims & Legal team at National Western Life to make sure your claim is handled and investigated fairly and properly — and paid. We step-in and take proactive steps to prove why your claim should be paid. No other firm offers this type of service, which is why we’ve been able to get over $85 million paid-out to our clients.

File a New Claim with National Western Life

Most people know they need help going against a big life insurance company that is looking for reasons to deny life insurance claim. Having experienced representation is even more important when the death occurs in a foreign country. To get a National Western life insurance claim paid you need hard evidence that supports your claim, you need to know where to find it and how to present it to an insurance company in a way that will prove your claim is payable.

We do all of this for our clients.

We Fight Denied Life Insurance Claims with National Western Life

Getting insurers to pay denied death claims is our specialty. We have a team of life insurance experts, doctors, toxicologists and legal advisers who all work together on behalf of our clients to investigate death claims and prove – scientifically, medically and according to industry standards – why a denied claim must be overturned and paid.

Fighting a denied life insurance claim starts with a new evaluation of all the facts surrounding the history of the insured, the application, medical records, arrest & driving records, accident reports and all other relevant evidence, by someone who knows what all of this evidence means. And, rather than using this information to look for reasons to deny your claim, our evaluation looks for reasons your claim should be approved and paid.

Among other things, our medical experts review an insured’s medical records looking for every reason to get a claim approved and they contribute their findings and opinions to our final Report sent to the insurer. We have our medical experts review autopsy and toxicology reports and use the information in creating their Report conclusions. We do drug-to-drug interaction analysis which is very important for accidental overdose death claims.

We apply underwriting standards, personal interviews, and any other fact that helps win a claim appeal. We take all of the information we gather and we write a formal Report describing why the claim should be paid based on the analysis we’ve conducted.

If you need representation for a National Western life insurance claim contact us for help. We do not require a retainer or pre-payment.

1-888-428-4868 Free Consultation

National Western Life claims can be denied for a long list of reasons; medical answers, financial information, and criminal history are some of the more common reasons. We’ve worked on all of these claim situations and we’ve gotten millions of dollars paid to our clients even after their life insurance claims were denied. Just because a National Western Life insurance claim was denied doesn’t mean that the matter is finished. If new information is found the claim can be appealed and paid. That’s where we make results happen for our clients.

We’re the premier life insurance claim firm for anyone whose claim has been wrongly denied or for those beneficiaries being strung along waiting for their claim to be paid. Aggressive representation by experienced professionals who only represent life insurance beneficiaries. That’s us. Whether National Western Life, Accordia or any other life insurance claim denial, we can get your claim paid.

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