Life Insurance Lawyer in San Jose

Life Insurance Lawyer in San Jose

When you have a dispute with a life insurance company regarding a death claim or a policy The Center for Life Insurance Disputes can resolve the problem without the high cost of legal fees or the stresses that accompany a lawsuit. We offer the most effective solution to hiring a life insurance lawyer in San Jose.

Instead of taking your claim dispute to Court we work directly with the lawyers for the insurance company and recover your money. We file life insurance claims, appeal denied claims, and recover life insurance benefits for our clients.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes has recovered well over $100 million for its clients from many of the largest life insurance companies by dealing directly with their Claims and Legal departments.

Call us now for a free consultation: 1-888-428-4868

No retainer needed. Low 10% fee after claim is paid.

Life Insurance Claim Help

The best lawyer is the one who understands even the smallest details about life insurance policies and bad faith. But even with a top rated life insurance lawyer in San Jose you aren’t guaranteed your lawsuit will be successful. Lawsuits can be expensive, stressful, and take years to conclude – sometimes settling for less than the policy benefits.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes offers two significant advantages for anyone looking for a life insurance lawyer in San Jose: no retainer fees, and fast settlements.

Even with the best life insurance lawyer you may still wait years for your lawsuit to reach a courtroom. Consider a case in Sacramento, CA in which investors were bilked out of $25 million; article: Six Years After Scam Unraveled, Victims Wait for Funds. While the agent was found guilty of securities fraud, the case took six years to conclude.

Our client’s claims are paid quickly and always paid in-full – never partial settlements.

We start our process by evaluating your claim. If we determine that we can successfully represent you we will act quickly to get your claim paid. We carefully evaluate each claim because we only get paid after your claim is paid.

For a free review and evaluation of your life insurance claim, call us today.

Free consultation: 1-888-428-4868

Also Read:

About Our Team

Material Misrepresentations in Life Insurance Claims

How to Appeal and Win a Life Insurance Claim Denial

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes deals with one type of insurance dispute only — life insurance.  We get death claims paid, and we get premiums refunded. We work exclusively for beneficiaries and policy owners.

When you have a dispute with a life insurance company regarding a death claim or a policy, The Center for Life Insurance Disputes can resolve the problem without the stresses that accompany a lawsuit.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes has recovered more than $100 million for our clients and we can do the same for you — quickly and discreetly. Read About Us

The Benefits of Direct Resolution

By going direct to the insurer to resolve your dispute we eliminate; legal fees, the stresses of litigation, depositions and confidentiality breaches.

The best representation for your life insurance claim or policy dispute is a firm that understands even the smallest details about life insurance policies and company processes. Some attorneys do and some don’t. But even with a top rated life insurance lawyer in San Jose you aren’t guaranteed your lawsuit will be successful.

Lawsuits can be expensive, stressful, and take years to conclude – sometimes settling for less than the policy benefits. Even worse, your lawsuit could end-up in Court and you could lose.

Types of Claims We Accept

Every life insurance dispute is different and unique therefore experience is critically important. We’ve dealt with many of the largest US insurers and have been able to resolve issues that cover a wide range of details and circumstances. You can read here, on this website, the details of many of the claims and disputes we’ve resolved for our clients. Just some of the life insurance disputes we’ve resolved include:

Denied death claims.

Lapsed policies.

Agent misrepresentations.

Over charging policies for cost of insurance fees.

Accidental death claims mischaracterized as natural causes.

Employee life insurance and ERISA claims.

Residents of San Jose and Surrounding Areas of Silicon Valley are Hot Targets

If you live in or around Silicon Valley you know you’re a target of insurance agents and financial advisors. The reputation of Silicon Valley is that everyone living there is rich and salespeople can make a lot of money by working with just a few clients. Silicon Valley residents are targets.

While most of these agents and brokers are ethical, some aren’t. Life insurance is a complicated product and sometimes you won’t be aware of violations against you until after you’ve purchased your policy.

If you believe you’ve been a victim of life insurance fraud, contact us. We’ll review the entire transaction history and identify all violations.

Licensed insurance agents have ethical and legal duties in how they transact business. We can identify how and when they breached these duties. We then go to the insurer with our evidence and effect a full recovery of premiums. It’s the insurer who contracted and approved the agent to represent its products so the insurer has responsibility.

Denied Death Claim Recovery

You may have been referred to us by an attorney. If you’ve done any background research on The Center for Life Insurance Disputes you know we’re specialists in successfully appealing denied death claims. The bulk of over $100 million recovered for our clients has come from life insurance claims that had initially been denied. After our investigations and appeals, these same claims were paid.

One reason for our success in recovering life insurance claims is our knowledge of the life insurance underwriting process. We start our claim investigations from when the policy was originally applied for. If your claim representative or attorney doesn’t understand this part of a life insurance claim, you’re in for a disappointing lawsuit.

We start our process by evaluating your claim to determine the reasons it should be paid. We then inform the insurer. Rather than waiting years for a lawsuit to conclude, we deliver full claim payments to our clients in a few short months.

Your Free Consultation

If you have questions or concerns about a life insurance policy or death claim, we’ll be happy to speak with you. There’s no cost for this consultation. The Center for Life Insurance Disputes can get your money paid to you from life insurance claims and from the premiums you’ve paid into policies that were sold to you fraudulently. We accept clients in San Jose and throughout the United States.

Call: 1-888-428-4868

$12 Million Claim Recovered

$1 Million Claim Recovered

Many more denied claim we’ve won for our clients

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