Life Insurance Lawyer in San Francisco

Life insurance lawyer in San Francisco

When you have a dispute with a life insurance company regarding a claim or a policy The Center for Life Insurance Disputes can resolve the problem without the use of lawyers and the stresses that accompany a lawsuit. We offer a solution to hiring a life insurance lawyer in San Francisco. We file life insurance claims, appeal denied claims, and recover life insurance benefits for our clients.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes has recovered well over $50 million for its clients, from many of the largest life insurance companies, by dealing directly with their Claims and Legal departments. By going direct to the insurer to resolve your dispute, we resolve claim disputes quickly.

The best lawyer is the one who understands even the smallest details about life insurance policies and bad faith. But even with a top rated life insurance lawyer in San Francisco you aren’t guaranteed your lawsuit will be successful. Lawsuits can be expensive, stressful, and take years to conclude – sometimes settling for less than the policy benefits.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes offers two significant advantages for anyone looking for a life insurance lawyer in San Francisco: no legal fees, and fast settlements.

Even with the best rated life insurance lawyer you may still wait years for your lawsuit to reach a courtroom. Consider a case in Sacramento, CA in which investors were bilked out of $25 million; article: Six Years After Scam Unraveled, Victims Wait for Funds (SacBee). While the agent was found guilty of securities fraud, the case took six years to conclude.

Our client’s claims are paid quickly and always paid in-full – never partial settlements.

We start our process by evaluating your claim. If we determine that we can successfully represent you we will act quickly to get your claim paid. We carefully evaluate each claim because we only get paid after your claim is paid.

For a free review and evaluation of your life insurance claim, call us today. We’ll give you an honest evaluation of whether your claim will be paid and if an appeal will be successful.

Call us now: 888-428-4868

Have you put off speaking with a life insurance lawyer because you simply do not know where to start? There are different types attorneys and some specialize in life insurance, but you need guidance from experts who only deal with life insurance claims and life insurance complaints to understand whether it’is the right decision for you to file a lawsuit or to have a representative go directly to the insurance company on your behalf? Speaking to a life insurance expert will help guide your decision-making. Find out if you need a life insurance lawyer; what are the possible outcomes; how much will it cost you? Get all of your questions answered. For more information: 888-428-4868.

Why to avoid a lawsuit.

According to, back in 1989, an author named Paul R. Lees-Haley, Ph.D., proposed a psychological disorder that he called Litigation Stress Syndrome. At the time, mental health professionals largely ignored him. Lees-Haley was otherwise notable for providing consulting services to big tobacco companies and arguing that mold spores didn’t affect indoor air quality. Despite his credibility issues, Lees-Haley was onto something. Both psychology and law professors are discovering how litigation contributes to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and physical illness. Whether you’re sitting at the plaintiff’s or defendant’s table, a lawsuit takes a toll on your mental health.

Here’s an interesting read regarding the reality of lawsuits and stress: Reduce the Stress of Litigation.

Avoid these stressors. Let The Center for Life Insurance Disputes handle your denied life insurance claim without the need for a San Francisco life insurance lawyer.

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