Life Insurance Lawyer Near Me

Life Insurance Lawyer Near Me

Where can I find a life insurance lawyer near me?

Are you looking for a life insurance lawyer to help recover money from a life insurance claim or from a policy you bought?

We represent life insurance policy owners and beneficiaries. That’s all we do. We’re well-known experts in the life insurance industry with backgrounds in life insurance claims, life insurance underwriting, medical underwriting, life insurance policy contracts, ….

Our results speak for themselves: Over $60 million paid to our clients from denied death claims. That means these clients came to us after their life insurance claims were denied, we investigated and appealed for them, and their claims were paid. No other firm has the experience and knowledge we have when it comes to how life insurance claims are handled by insurance companies. We apply all our skill and resources to get our client’s their money.

See About Us and call us for help.



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Below are some of the most common questions we get from people looking for a life insurance lawyer.

Can My Life Insurance Death Claim be Denied?

Yes, there are a few ways a life insurance claim can be denied. If the policy was less than 2 years old the insurer can deny a claim for reasons such as suicide, incorrect information about the insured’s health, driving while intoxicated, and missed premiums.

If the policy was more than 2 years old the insurer can only deny claims if they discover fraud. Life insurance fraud is where someone intentionally misleads an insurer so that they issue a policy based on false information. It can also be where a claim is made on an insured who is still alive.

If a death claim is denied for reasons other than fraud, we will investigate the entirety of the matter and look for the opportunities which make the insurer obligated to reverse their denial and pay the claim.

Can My Policy Lapse Because Premiums Become Too Expensive?

Universal life insurance policies are the most common type of policy to lapse as the insured ages. These policies are most often sold using a premium that is not enough to cover the policy fees and expenses as the insured gets older. What happens is when the expenses are greater than the premiums being paid the insurer will deduct any shortfall from the cash value. This usually goes unnoticed by the policy holder until it is too late.

The insurance companies have a practice of notifying the owner 60 days before the policy is going to lapse. This doesn’t leave much time to make premium changes. But the biggest problem is that these policies usually require much, much larger premiums in order to stay in effect. Thereby, the policies lapse because the owner is priced-out. The policy becomes too expensive to maintain and they lapse.

We have uncovered many, many of these and gotten the policies reinstated and even the claims paid-out after the policy lapsed. The common factor in most of the cases is that the insurer was raising the fees and charges against what the policy allows. These policies are so hard to read and understand that very few are ever challenged.

We know life insurance policy language and what insurers are allowed, and prohibited, to do.

What if the Life Insurance Agent Lied About the Policy?

Agents are extensions of the life insurance companies they represent. If an agent makes false statements about a policy so that a person will buy it, both they and the insurer have liability and can be held accountable.

The most important thing about getting restitution for an agent’s misrepresentations is to act as soon as you become aware of the misinformation. Or even once you suspect you’ve been lied to. Waiting can evoke a statute of limitations that works against a policy owner’s ability to recover their premiums.

How to Survive a Contestable Claim Investigation?

Life insurers use claim examiners to find reasons to deny claims. That’s their job. It’s not to find reasons to pay claims. Therefore, it is common sense that when you file a claim you should have your own claim professional working for you to find every reason a claim should be paid.

Having as much support as possible will make the process faster and more likely the claim will pay.

Is My Chronic Illness Claim Payout Too Small?

The difference between the payout of a death claim and a chronic illness claim is night and day. A death claim pays out the amount of money stated on the Declaration page of the policy when the insured dies. A Chronic Illness claim pays out based on a 5 to 7 tier calculation created by the insurer. These claims are extremely complicated, and most policy holders are not trained to know if their Chronic Illness benefit is correct.

We’ve recovered tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars more for our clients than what their insurers first offered from their Chronic Illness claims.

Is My Critical Illness Claim Payout Too Low?

Just like a Critical Illness claim, a Chronic Illness claim is overly convoluted, and the insurers add many “conditions” to paying benefits. Because so many chronic conditions have different impacts on one person versus another getting an insurer to pay a Chronic Illness claim is very challenging.

When a Chronic Illness claim is approved and paid it will likely be a low offer based on the insurers’ expectation the insured will experience some significant recovery. This has to be addressed as part of the claim process by the insured’s representative. When our clients have Chronic Illness claims we package the information for them to assure their benefits are paid out at the highest level possible.

Questions & Answers:

Q: If I can’t meet with a life insurance lawyer near me will a representative still take my case?

A: Yes. We prefer to use phone, video and email for the convenience of our clients.

Q: If I live in a city and there is no life insurance lawyer near me, what can I do?

A: We accept clients throughout the US. A local office isn’t necessary. If special travel arrangements are needed we’ll come to you.

Q: What is the average cost of a life insurance lawyer near me?

A: Most life insurance lawyers will charge between 33% and 40% of the amount resolved. Our fees are much less at 10%.

Additional Links and Resource Information

Chronic and Critical Illness Claims

What is a Contestable Life Insurance Claim

How to Fight a Policy Lapse

Life Insurance Claim Denied

How to Appeal a Denied Life Insurance Claim and Win



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