Life Insurance Claim Rejection

Life Insurance Claim Rejection

A life insurance claim rejection is when the insurance company has examined your claim and decided they have found a reason so they don’t have to pay you. Their process of examination may include a review of the insured’s medical records, medications, criminal history and driving record. It will certainly include a review of all the answers that were given on the application for the policy. For this reason, if you’re going to challenge a life insurance claim rejection you have to have a team of people working for you who know how all of this information is used in the claim examining process.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes represents beneficiaries of life insurance claims with the sole purpose of getting the claims approved and paid. We have 30+ years of experience and almost $100 million of success. When your claim isn’t being paid, for any reason, call us:


Life Insurance Denial Letter

A life insurance claim rejection comes from the insurer in the form of a written letter to the beneficiary explaining the basis for the rejection by the insurer. It may not be very detailed but it should explain exactly which question on the application the insurer thinks was answered wrong and the source they used for the correct information. For example, the insurer may say that the insured didn’t disclose a history of skin cancer and that records from “Dr. So-and-So” were reviewed as part of the investigation.

This is great information. It let’s us know what we’re dealing with and gives us a beginning for our claim investigation and appeal.

As far as we’re concerned, a life insurance claim rejection is simply the starting point to getting our client’s claims paid. Our only business is appealing denied life insurance claims. Attorneys from all over the country employ us to help them win their cases. But we prefer to work directly for the beneficiaries.

Life Insurance Claim Investigation

Even though the life insurance industry pays out billions of dollars of approved life insurance claims, they also deny billions of dollars of life insurance claims. They employ Claim Examiners, private detectives and investigators to do very detailed life insurance claim investigations. They look for any possible reason to reject life insurance claims.

One of the biggest warnings to look out for is the beneficiary telephone interview. The insurer will tell you that this is just routine and it’s mandatory for all claim investigations. They never tell the beneficiary to have their own representative on the call with them or what will be asked on the call. We always prepare our clients thoroughly in advance, we attend the interview with our clients and we protect them from nefarious acts.

What to do if Your Life Insurance Claim Gets Rejected

You can prepare to fight a claim rejection by doing the following:

Have a copy of the denial letter available to email to us.

Have a copy of the application available to email to us.

Be sure all beneficiaries are aware that you intend to fight the insurer’s denial.

Call us or email us to discuss your claim.

(888) 428-4868

Reasons Why Life Insurance Claims Get Denied

Life insurance claims get rejected for many reasons including health, criminal record, drug use and missed premium payments. The most common reason is inaccurate health information of the insured’s application. If you’re going to fight any of these denial reasons you need to understand the underwriting process of life insurance. We’ve dealt with all of them and here you can read more about many specific health issues that can cause a life insurance claim denial and how we’ve gotten these denials paid.


Life Insurance Claim Denied for Diabetes

Life Insurance Claim Denied for Sleep Apnea

Life Insurance Claim Denied for COPD

Life Insurance Claim Denied for Cancer

Life Insurance Claim Denied for Depression

Life Insurance Claim Denied for High Blood Pressure

Life Insurance Claim Denied for Anemia

The Best Team to Get Your Life Insurance Claim Paid

A life insurance claim rejection should be appealed by a knowledgeable expert in the life insurance claims profession. We’ve assembled the best team in the business. Not just Stephen C. Burgess, a nationally respected expert in life insurance claims, but also medical experts such as Dr. Rodney Richmond, Oncologist Dr. Robert Sklaroff, and Toxicologist Dr. James Norris. Our Team

Many people think that if their life insurance claim is denied the only thing they can do to fight it is to find a lawyer and file a lawsuit. We couldn’t disagree more!

Before you take any legal action you should appeal directly to the insurance company. This probably isn’t the advice you’ll get from most lawyers but it’s the best advice. Why pay huge legal fees and wait years for a resolution when you can petition to the insurer’s legal team? A successful appeal will save you ten’s of thousands of dollars and resolve very quickly. We represented one client whose denial we were able to get paid in only 4 days!

Whatever state your life insurance claim is in: ready to submit, in review or denied, we offer the best chances to make sure it gets paid. Contact us for a free consultation.

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