Please complete the information below and tell us about your claim. The information is confidential and only an outline for us. After we receive your completed form an expert from our firm will contact you directly to discuss all details.
Once we fully understand your claim circumstances we will open a full investigation into records and reports, apply all laws and facts specific to your claim, work directly with the insurer’s legal department to have your claim re-evaluated, and get your claim paid.
(Claims must be $100,000.00 or more)
Start A Claim Now
By submitting this information to The Center for Life Insurance Disputes you are requesting our involvement and representation for your life insurance claim appeal. Your information will never be sold or used for any marketing purpose. We rely on the information you provide and its accuracy, and our results are based on the accuracy. Your submission does not constitute a contract for services with The Center for Life Insurance Disputes. A qualified representative of our firm will contact you to execute a contract once we have reviewed your submission. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.