Life Insurance Attorney in San Francisco to Settle Life Insurance Claims

Life Insurance Attorney in San Francisco

Life Insurance Attorney in San Francisco to recover your denied life insurance claim.

We offer an effective solution to lengthy lawsuits when insurance companies won’t pay life insurance policy benefits.

A Life Insurance Attorney in San Francisco may not even be needed to recover your denied life insurance claim. We offer an effective alternative to lengthy lawsuits when insurance companies won’t pay life insurance policy benefits.

The life insurance experts at The Center for Life Insurance Disputes represent beneficiaries in matters where life insurance companies have denied or delayed claim benefits. Rather than go through a lengthy and expensive courtroom battle we deal directly with the insurance company and its attorneys.

The experts at The Center do a full investigation of the claim, present a comprehensive claim package to the insurer, and deal directly with the Claims and Legal departments to get the claim paid. This intensive process has triggered over $100 million of claim benefits with NO legal fees.

Call us now for a free consultation: 1-888-428-4868

Denied Life Insurance Claims Experts

The life insurance experts at The Center for Life Insurance Disputes represent beneficiaries in matters where life insurance companies have denied or delayed claim benefits. Rather than go through a lengthy and expensive courtroom battle, you have the option of representation by The Center. The experts at The Center do a full investigation of your claim, present a comprehensive claim package to the insurer, and deal directly with the Claims and Legal departments to get the claim paid.

This intensive process has triggered over $100 million of claim benefits to be paid to our clients — with no legal fees.

Your Denied Life Insurance Claim can be Appealed Without an Attorney

A denied life insurance claim doesn’t have to result in a lawsuit. Short of outright fraud by a policy-owner, all claim denials can be reviewed, investigated, and overturned by the Center for Life Insurance Disputes.

At The Center, we find the information that the insurer over-looked. We do in-depth medical record analysis — not perusals. We find the mistakes that cause a denial. And, we uncover the truths that move life insurance claims from denied to approved.

Generally speaking, most people and most insurers try to avoid lawsuits. Having to hire a lawyer, appear for depositions, gather documents and pay legal fees is expensive — even to an insurer.

Most of the matters we resolve are on good terms with the insurer. They realize that by cooperating with the Center for Life Insurance Disputes, we’re saving them money, bad publicity and hassles.

More importantly, this way of resolving life insurance claims, without an attorney, yields more money to our clients. There are no legal fees, no retainers, no sharing of the ultimate judgement or settlement.

Your life insurance attorney might not tell you this but, your life insurance claim can be appealed and paid without an attorney.

What a San Francisco Life Insurance Attorney Probably Won’t Do

In many cases a life insurance company may deny a claim due to misrepresentation of material information, such as inaccuracies or omission of information supplied by the applicant. The insurance company may also deny the claim by determining a different cause of death than that provided on the death certificate, one that the policy does not cover.

There are many reasons a life insurance claim may be denied, but an insurer will always accept and consider new and relevant facts. Our experts know what facts are missing. We find them, present them and move your claim from denied to paid.

By contrast, your life insurance attorney won’t determine where or how mistakes were made. They’ll simply argue that a mistake was made. The difference between the two is that we give the insurer reasons to willingly pay your claim. Whilst a life insurance attorney simply demands that they must pay.

Our approach to getting life insurance claims approved and paid is not combative. It doesn’t need to be.

We can appeal your denied life insurance claim or step in as your representative while your claim is being investigated so it doesn’t get denied.

Also read Reasons to be Denied a Life Insurance Claim and What to do About It.

Keep Your Affairs Private

Lawsuits are public. Deposition transcripts can be purchased. Names of plaintiffs and defendants can be googled and easily found. Court proceedings are, often, open to the public to attend. There’s nothing your San Francisco life insurance attorney can do to change these facts.

The work we do for you is private. Only you and the insurer know the details.

The Truth About Life Insurance Lawsuits

Bloomberg and Reuters, among other major news sources, have reported on life insurance companies not paying on a policy. In the article, “Accidental Death Becomes Suicide When Insurers Dodge Payouts”, Bloomberg reported, “life insurers have found myriad ways to delay and deny paying death benefits to families, civil court cases across the U.S.” (Bloomberg article).

In 2009, Reuters reported that after Heath Ledger’s death, the $10 million life insurance policy claim was denied. His death was ruled as an accidental overdose by the medical examiner; however, the insurance company determined it a suicide in order to evade payment to the beneficiary, his 3 year old daughter. A dispute against the insurance company was filed and a settlement was negotiated. (Heath Ledger Life Insurance Settlement).

When a “settlement” happens, this means the beneficiary accepted an offer that was less than the death benefit of the policy. It’s been rumored that in the Heath Ledger lawsuit the family accepted $3 million (30% of the actual death benefit).

While claim denials are common and you may want to consider hiring an attorney to fight your denied life insurance claim, you should also consider the cost as well as the time it takes for a lawsuit to conclude.

A conservative average is 18 to 24 months for a life insurance lawsuit to conclude. But there’s no reason for you to wait that long. We resolve our clients claims quickly — rarely taking more than 3 or 4 months.

When Your Life Insurance Claim is Delayed, and Delayed, and Delayed

It’s one thing when insurers refuse to pay claims. A flat-out denial is definitive. But, a claim that just keeps delaying and delaying is different. These situations don’t justify a lawsuit. Until a claim decision is made there’s nothing to sue over.

A life insurance attorney in San Francisco isn’t needed when a claim is delayed. The most they can do is send a threatening letter to get the insurer to act more quickly. But creating hostility won’t get your claim paid any faster.

What will get it paid faster is knowing what the insurer needs to approve the claim and presenting that information to the insurer rather than waiting for them to find it themselves. That’s what we do for our clients.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes represents beneficiaries of delayed life insurance claims. We work on your behalf with the insurer and move your claim from delayed to approved.

Free Consultation — The Center for Life Insurance Disputes


About The Center for Life Insurance Disputes

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes has over 30 years of experience in dealing with life insurance claims — and a proven track record of recovering money for our clients. By ensuring that the facts surrounding a case are fully investigated, properly evaluated and documented, we created fantastic results for our clients.

We help those who have suffered damages due to life insurance fraud, scams, denial of death benefits, or other types of bad faith practices by protecting the best interest of our clients.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes gives the victims and insurance companies an opportunity to address issues without courtrooms and expensive lawyers. The life insurance complaint is resolved quickly and at a fraction of the cost of hiring an attorney. While a lawsuit may take years to resolve, this process can settle claims for clients in a matter of just a few months.


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