Globe Life Insurance Claim was Denied

Globe Life Insurance claim was denied?

If your Globe life insurance claim was denied or you were offered a partial claim you could be a victim of Unfair Claim practices and be entitled to the money. Contact us for help: 1-888-428-4868. We appeal any denied life insurance claim of $100,000 or more.

Appeal a Denied Life Insurance Claim

If you have a life insurance claim that hasn’t paid-out – for any reason – and you don’t want to go through the hassle and cost of a lawsuit, contact us. We appeal denied life insurance claims for our clients and get insurers to pay. We’ve been doing this for 30 years with great success. Many people think they have to have an attorney to fight a life insurance claim that’s been denied, but that isn’t true. If you have the right facts and evidence and know how to put them together, you can appeal a denied life insurance claim and get the denial overturned. But you need to know exactly what the right “facts” and “evidence” are and how to present them. We do. In fact we have more life insurance claim experience than other firm and we know exactly what the “facts” and “evidence” need to be to get claims paid. We’ve recovered more than $85 million from claims that were at-first denied. If you’re not sure who to trust or what to do, call us. We’ll be happy to speak with you about your claim and answer your questions – at no charge. We have experience with almost every possible claim issue and we’re sure we can help you resolve yours.

No Fee Unless Your Claim Gets Paid.

When you file a life insurance claim the insurance company won’t advise you to get a personal representative. They’ll act for themselves — not you.  And, they’ll be looking for reasons to deny your claim. Some denials are justified, but some are not.

When a life insurance claim gets denied many people think their only option is to sue the insurance company. But a lawsuit shouldn’t be the first thing you do. The first thing to do is have your claim evaluated by an expert and determine if you can appeal the denial without a lawsuit. This will be faster and much less expensive than a lawsuit. If an Appeal isn’t successful, then you can sue the insurer.

An Appeal is a new evaluation of all the facts surrounding the history of the insured, application, medical records, arrest & driving records, accident reports and all other relevant evidence. Rather than look for reasons to deny your claim, an appeal evaluation will look for reasons to approve your claim.

We appeal denied life insurance claims. We’ve recovered over $85 million for our clients from declined claims and we can do the same for you. As your representative we’ll protect your interests, not theirs, and get your claim paid.

Our Experience Gets Your Claim Paid Quickly

Globe Life insurance claims can be denied for a long list of reasons; medical, financial and criminal history are some of the more common reasons. We’ve worked on all of these claim situations. And, we’ve gotten millions of dollars paid to our clients even after their life insurance claims were denied.

Just because a Globe Life insurance claim was denied doesn’t mean that the matter is finished. If new information is found, the claim can be appealed and paid. That’s where we make results happen for our clients. Anything is possible as to what leads to a claim denial. Therefore, everything needs to be investigated.

And, it needs to be done quickly so you can get your money and move-on. When we accept a new client we act immediately to get the facts necessary to win the appeal. You won’t wait years the way you would in a lawsuit. We resolve our client’s claims within weeks.

A Lapsed Policy Can Pay a Claim

Yes. Another reason that a Globe Life Insurance claim gets denied is when a policy lapses before the death. In our 30 years of experience we’ve worked on many lapsed policy claims and we’ve gotten many of these claims paid.

For an even more detailed discussion read our article: Six Reasons Your Contestable Life Insurance Claim Might Not be Contestable.

If Globe Life has told you there’s no coverage because the policy lapsed, call us for a free evaluation.

Need Help Filing Your New Claim?

If you have a life insurance claim that you haven’t filed yet we can help. Policies that are less than 2 years old and policies issued through employers will be subject to investigations before the insurer agrees to pay the claim. It’s best to have a professional read the policy and anticipate anything that might cause your claim to be denied. We’ll represent you and your claim so you have knowledgeable experts working for you, just like the insurer will have their own experts looking for ways to deny your claim.

How We Work

When we take on a new client we investigate everything that’s important to the claim. This includes the events of the application, the medical history, the way the claim was handled by the insurer, and many, many other important facts. This is the best way to get denied life insurance claims overturned and paid. We prove why your claim should be paid. That’s why our clients always get a 100% payment of their claim. No settlements of 50% or 75%. Our clients get all of their money.

Over $85 million of Denied Life Insurance Claims Paid

We’re the premier life insurance claim firm for anyone whose claim has been wrongly denied or for those beneficiaries being strung along waiting for their claim to be paid. Aggressive representation by experienced professionals who only represent life insurance beneficiaries. That’s us. Before you engage in a lawsuit, speak with one of our experts. Whether Globe Life, Accordia or any other life insurance claim denial… we can get your claim paid.

Phone: (888) 428-4868

More About: How to Appeal Denied Life Insurance Claims and Win.

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