Dallas Life Insurance Lawyer

Dallas Life Insurance Lawyer

When you have a dispute with a life insurance company regarding a death claim or a policy The Center for Life Insurance Disputes can resolve the problem without the high cost of legal fees or the stresses that accompany a lawsuit. We offer the most effective solution to hiring a life insurance lawyer in Dallas.

Instead of taking your claim dispute to Court we work directly with the lawyers for the insurance company and recover your money. We file life insurance claims, appeal denied claims, and recover life insurance benefits for our clients.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes has recovered well over $100 million for its clients from many of the largest life insurance companies by dealing directly with their Claims and Legal departments.

Call us now for a free consultation: 1-888-428-4868

No retainer needed. Low 10% fee after claim is paid.

Life Insurance Claim Help

The best lawyer is the one who understands even the smallest details about life insurance policies and bad faith. But even with a top rated life insurance lawyer in Dallas you aren’t guaranteed your lawsuit will be successful. Lawsuits can be expensive, stressful, and take years to conclude – sometimes settling for less than the policy benefits.

The Center for Life Insurance Disputes offers two significant advantages for anyone looking for a life insurance lawyer in Dallas: no retainer fees, and fast settlements.

Even with the best life insurance lawyer you may still wait years for your lawsuit to reach a courtroom. Consider a case in Sacramento, CA in which investors were bilked out of $25 million; article: Six Years After Scam Unraveled, Victims Wait for Funds. While the agent was found guilty of securities fraud, the case took six years to conclude.

Our client’s claims are paid quickly and always paid in-full – never partial settlements.

We start our process by evaluating your claim. If we determine that we can successfully represent you we will act quickly to get your claim paid. We carefully evaluate each claim because we only get paid after your claim is paid.

For a free review and evaluation of your life insurance claim, call us today.

Free consultation: 1-888-428-4868

Also Read:

About Our Team

Material Misrepresentations in Life Insurance Claims

How to Appeal and Win a Life Insurance Claim Denial

We get denied life insurance claims paid. We do it by working with the life insurance company instead of suing them. Lawsuits are adversarial and life insurance companies want to avoid them. We have a solution that avoids lawsuits, saves money, and gets our clients’ denied claims paid.

You need life insurance claim professionals working for you who know the claim process and how to get denied claims paid. We only work on life insurance matters and only represent beneficiaries of death claims. We gotten over $100 million paid to our clients — with no legal fees.

We file initial death claims for our clients.

If you have a new claim that hasn’t been filed yet we’ll prepare the claim forms and a complete package of supporting evidence for the insurer before they begin their investigation. This saves you a lot of time waiting for your money. It also averts the chances of having your claim denied.

You may think you don’t need this service but once you realize the extent of the investigation the insurer will do to not pay your claim, you’ll know why our representation is so helpful.

If you aren’t aware of how contestable life insurance claims are treated read our article: Contestability Clause: What It Really Means.

Don’t Make These Death Claim Mistakes

When your Dallas life insurance lawyer contacts the life insurance company and demands payment of your claim the insurer will take a hostile stance and almost certainly force your claim into litigation. Your goal is probably just to get your full claim paid as fast as possible, but lawsuits aren’t fast.

Once your lawsuit starts you’ll be looking at 18 to 24 months of time before you get any money. Then, your lawsuit will probably settle for less than the actual policy claim amount.

For more about the stress of a life insurance lawsuit read: Ten Questions to Ask a Life Insurance Lawyer

Don’t waste your time in a lawsuit. Our clients get one-hundred percent of their claim quickly and without legal fees.

We’ve gotten more than $100 million paid to our clients without any legal fees.

Your Life Insurance Claim Might Not be Contestable

Contestable life insurance claims are those that can be denied because the insurance company has the right to investigate the original application and medical and financial history of the insured to look for misrepresentations that allow them to deny a claim.

The payout is not automatic for contestable death claims. Non-contestable claims are better because the payout is automatic. What’s important to know is the insurance company may tell you that your claim is contestable, but get a professional to verify this because it might not be.

Read: Six Reasons Your Contestable Life Insurance Claim Might Not be Contestable

You’re Owed Interest on Your Life Insurance Claim in Texas

A common question we get is whether Dallas are claims earn interest while they’re being processed by the insurance company. Yes, Texas requires life insurers to pay interest on claims beginning at the date of death. For example, if the insured died March 4th, but the insurance company didn’t pay the claim until August 4th, they would have to pay interest on the claim amount for the 5 months that they took to pay the claim.

Some of the Life Insurance Claims We’ve Recovered for Our Clients:

  1. Drunk driving.
  2. Cancer history.
  3. Death by Suicide.
  4. Policy had lapsed before the insured died.
  5. Financial misrepresentations.
  6. Accidental Death by Overdose.
  7. Hepatitis & Diabetes.
  8. Competing beneficiaries.
  9. Criminal background not disclosed.
  10. Death in a foreign country.
  11. Misinterpretation of medical records.
  12. TIA versus Stroke.

How Dallas Life Insurance Beneficiaries are Protected by Insurance Laws

The State of Texas Department of Insurance has adopted regulations designed to protect the beneficiaries of life insurance claims from being treated unfairly and having their claims denied without justification.


Sec. 542.003. states,

(b)  Any of the following acts by an insurer constitutes unfair claim settlement practices:

(2)  failing to acknowledge with reasonable promptness pertinent communications relating to a claim arising under the insurer’s policy;

(3)  failing to adopt and implement reasonable standards for the prompt investigation of claims arising under the insurer’s policies;

(4)  not attempting in good faith to effect a prompt, fair, and equitable settlement of a claim submitted in which liability has become reasonably clear;

These directives give general guidance. What they mean is that a life insurer must act on a claim, they can’t delay the investigation or payment. The insurer’s claims department must have good business practices for getting a claim from the point of being submitted to a final decision. And, once it become obvious that a claim must be paid, the insurer must pay the claim.

It’s one thing to know that these are the intent of the law in Texas for life insurance claims. It’s something else to determine if the guidance is being followed and if your claim is being handled properly.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Life Insurance Dispute

The bottom-line is: will your claim get paid or denied. Having a qualified team of experts working on your behalf, following the claim through the process, making sure all information favoring your claim is considered by the insurer, disputing efforts that aren’t fair to you and, getting the money to you as fast as possible is what we do.

Free Phone Consultation.


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